
Instrotech News

Instrotech News & Articles

Vibrating limit level detection

KOBOLD has on offer their Kobold NSV level monitors to measure low-density (powdery), fine-grained bulk solids, such as plastic granules, cement, and food like flour, sugar and animal feed.  The Kobold NSV level monitors work by the vibrating fork principle.  The fork, specifically designed for use in bulk solids, continuously vibrates, and when it is covered by a medium, the vibration behaviour changes. When the Kobold NSV level monitors detects this change, it is displayed on a red LED. An additional relay output is provided for signal transmission.

Ultrasonic water meter for instantaneous measurements

ELIS has on offer a battery-powered ultrasonic water meter intended for measuring flow rate instantaneously and pressure and consumption in water piping (standard EN 14154 for water works), water distribution systems and other industrial applications.