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Optris CSmicro 2M

sku Product SKU:  OPT-CSmicro-2M

The pyrometer optris CSmicro 2M has been designed for a temperature range from 250°C to 1,600°C. Its special spectral range of 1.6 µm makes it the ideal IR pyrometer for temperature measurements of metals.

The small infrared measuring head is perfectly suited for installation in very limited spaces and allows for an especially cost-efficient mechanical process integration.

The CSmicro series can now be operated via the new IR mobile App (Android). The App enables to monitor and analyze infrared temperature measurements on a connected smartphone or tablet.

ZAR 0,0000


Keller Series 26Y

sku Product SKU:  KEL-26Ys

The pressure transmitters Series 26 Y are used in water level measurements that are price-sen
sitive but still require considerable accuracy.
Y-series transmitters have an extremely small temperature error. This is achieved by means of
digital compensation of an all-analogue signal path. The gain and the zero point of the gain circuit
can be influenced by digital/analogue converters. These receive their numerical values from an
EEPROM that is addressed depending on the temperature. A mathematical model for TC zero
and TC gain with any order can therefore be determined in the calibration process and stored in
the transmitter with a resolution of 1,5 K. The accuracy of the end product therefore essentially
depends on the amount of testing and the linearity of the measuring cell.
With the Series 26 Y, the monocrystalline silicon measuring cell is reliably protected from the
measuring medium by a stainless steel diaphragm. The steel diaphragm itself is protected from
mechanical influence by a plastic cap, and has outstanding performance features with regard to
accuracy and stability due to its large diameter of 17 mm

The Y-line transmitters have an extremely small temperature error. This is achieved using an additional circuit containing a temperature sensor that subdivides the temperature range into fields that are 1,5 Kelvin (K) wide. The TK zero and TK compensation values are calculated for each field and programmed into the additional circuit. During operation, these values are fed into the analogue signal path depending on the temperature. Each temperature is the „calibration temperature” for this transmitter. The accuracy thereof is mainly determined by linearity. 120 fields are available, representing a possible temperature range of 180 K. The wider the temperature range, the greater the amount of testing that is needed to minimise the inaccuracy of the mathematical model.

ZAR 0,0000


Keller Series PRD-33X

sku Product SKU:  KEL-PRD-33Xs

The Series PRD-33 X was developed for applications that require a high accuracy differential pressure measurement together with high overload resistance in differential pressure ranges as low as 350 mbar.

The Series PRD-33 X is the result of ongoing development of the KELLER PD-33 X differential pressure transmitter. Thanks to a second integrated pressure sensor, the line, or common mode, pressure can now be measured along with the differential pressure, resulting in several notable features not found in traditional differential pressure transmitters.

For example, compensation for line pressure effect is now accomplished during factory calibration. Moreover, both differential and line (absolute) pressure may be read by the user. In addition, the PRD-33 X features high differential overload resistance; e.g., ± 35 bar with a differential measuring range of only 350 mbar (100:1).

The internal differential pressure sensor element is isolated from the High (+) side media by a compliant stainless steel diaphragm, while the Low (-) side media impinges directly on the back side of the silicon measuring cell. Also isolated from the High (+) side media is the line (absolute) pressure sensor. The floating sensor assembly guarantees maximum decoupling from external mechanical forces.

Another notable feature of the Series PRD-33 X is the robust digital RS485 bi-directional communication interface. Information such as serial number, pressure range, filter settings and process values for both differential and line (absolute) pressures and their temperatures are easily obtained.

This combination of features enables certain measurements not possible with traditional differential pressure transmitters. For example, filling levels in liquefied gas storage tanks, including oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and argon can now be measured safely, accurately and at reasonable cost.

ZAR 0,0000

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