Instrotech Featured Product Videos

  • Optris | Instrotech: How to use the Xi410 Alarm

    In this video, we show you how to set the alarm indication of your Optris Xi410.
  • Optris CTratio: Product overview | Instrotech

    Optris CTratio: The Optris CTratio allows for reliable temperature measurements from 250 °C to 3000 °C. In metallurgy, high dust emission, vapours and similar problematic elements which negatively affect contactless temperature measurement often cannot be avoided. In order to ensure a reliable temperature measurement of melts or metallic surfaces even under these adverse conditions, Optris has developed the new ratio pyrometer Optris CTratio.Compared to single-channel pyrometers, ratio pyrometers provide consistent measurement results even with a dirty lens or for objects that move within the measurement area (e.g. metal rods or wires).

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    #Optris #Instrotech #noncontacttemperaturemeasurement #temperaturemeasurement #irmeasurement #IRthermometer