The infrared thermometer optris CSlaser 2M has been designed specifically for exact temperature measurement of metallic surfaces. Its short measuring wavelength allows not only for precise measurement of metal temperatures but metal oxides and ceramics as well.
The IR thermometer is equipped with an innovative double laser sight for precise marking of the measuring spot. A variety of scopes ensures high adaptability with various applications.
The infrared thermometer optris CSlaser G5 HF has been specifically designed for temperature measurement of flat glass, container glass, lightbulbs, vehicle glass, and solar cells.
Its standardized two-wire interface provides a reliable measuring data transmission and allows for an easy integration of the temperature sensors into a Siemens PLC. The IR thermometer is additionally equipped with an innovative double laser visor for a precise marking of the measuring spot. A variety of optics ensures high adaptability with diverse applications.
The video pyrometer optris CSvideo 2M, with its integrated video sighting allows for an additional visor assistance. Combined with the innovative and patented crosshair laser, it offers a reliable and precise measuring field adjustment in hard-to-reach areas and in cases of measuring objects being so hot the laser visor is not visible anymore.
The new microscope optics for the optris Xi 400 infrared camera allows reliable temperature measurement on tiny objects from 240 µm. In combination with a suitable stand, this enables professional measurement of printed circuit boards and components in the electronics industry. The measuring distance between camera and object is variable between 90 and 110 mm. The built-in motor focus allows for an easy focussing of the camera with the included PIX Connect software. Circuit boards are a core part of electronic devices. They keep getting smaller while having to be more powerful at the same time. Temperatures of assembled circuit boards can easily be measured with the microscope optics of the optris Xi 400 thermal imager, thus identifying overheated areas quickly and preventing possible defects. The causes for excessive temperatures can be manifold: defective components, incorrectly dimensioned circuit paths or poorly soldered joints.
The newly developed optris Xi 80 combines the benefits of infrared cameras and infrared thermometers.
A full 80x80 thermal image eliminates the hunt for the hot spot and tedious positioning required with single spot temperature sensors. The integrated spot finder function will identify the hottest (or coldest) spot in the image and automatically communicate these measurements without an external PC.
A wide range of optics including the new 80° lens equips the Xi 80 to collect and analyze temperature information over a wide target area. The affordable pricing for this unit makes it a realistic alternative to replace existing spot temperature sensors or for OEM applications.
The newly developed optris Xi 400 combines the benefits of a robust, compact pyrometer and an advanced IR camera. The 80 Hz frame rate allows for the monitoring of fast thermal processes, even including a line-scan function. The spot finder IR camera has an optical resolution of 382 x 288 pixels and comes with an extensive ready-to-use package - including a versatile image processing software.
Due to its compact design and an affordable pricing, the new optris Xi spot finder IR camera is ideally suited for OEM applications.
The DPM4003 is a 4 digit (-1999 to 9999) LED universal temperature indicator that can be used in any application where temperature needs to be displayed and controlled. This DIN 48mm x96mm, high accuracy, high-quality panel meter is designed for accurate measurement & display (in °C, °F or K) of temperature from thermocouples (selectable from the front push buttons) of Type J, K, N, R, S, T, W5 and from RTDs such as PT100. Ni100 RTD is available as an option as well as other thermocouple types. The thermocouple and RTD signals are accurately linearised by the internal micro-controller. Options include programmable analogue output, single, dual, three & four alarms, peak hold, RS-232/485 output and more.
The IR thermometer optris CTlaser 1M / 2M allows precise and quick measuring of high temperatures of metal surfaces. The short measuring wavelengths are not only capable of measuring metal temperatures but also allow for measurement of metal oxides and ceramics.
The robust premium stainless steel measuring head of the CTlaser pyrometer additionally offers exact marking of measuring spots in every distance due to its innovative double laser sight.
The infrared thermometer optris CTlaser 3M is perfectly suited for measurements of low metal temperatures and composite materials. It offers a temperature range between 50°C and 1,800°C and can be employed in up to 85°C without additional cooling.
Due to its extremely short response time of 1 ms, the highly efficient IR thermometer allows the surveillance of fast processes and measures reliably and precisely even on smallest measuring fields of up to 0.7 mm. Selectable outputs and various digital interfaces offer a high variability for the evaluation of the measured data.
The infrared thermometer optris CTlaser 4M with its wavelengths range of 2.2 – 6 μm is perfectly suited for measurements of metals, metal oxides, ceramics or materials with unknown or changing emissivity. It offers a temperature range between 0°C and 500°C and can be employed in up to 85°C without additional cooling.
Due to its ultra-fast exposure time of 90 μs, the highly efficient IR thermometer allows the surveillance of high speed processes and is the ideal pyrometer for low temperature applications. Selectable outputs and various digital interfaces offer a high variability for the evaluation of the measured data.
The infrared thermometer optris CTlaser 05M has been specifically designed for temperature measurement of metal surfaces and molten metals. It features a very short measuring wavelength of 525 nm, minimizing measuring errors during emissivity changes. The thermometer offers a temperature range between 1,000°C and 2,000°C.
The measuring head can be installed even in high ambient temperatures and can be equipped with industrial accessories for IR thermometers, e.g. water cooling, if necessary.
Knowing the exact value of the radiation temperature is essential for the calibration process. It can be measured by either using a contact thermometer (in combination with the determination of the emissivity) or a transfer standard infrared thermometer. This value can then be used to determine the device constant for an initial calibration of the infrared sensors. In order to conduct a post-calibration by customers or local calibration facilities, the calibration temperature should be near the temperatures which occur at the respective applications.
Optris makes use of a transfer standard radiation thermometer CTlaser-PTB (see figure) to measure the radiation temperature of a reference source. The CTlaser- PTB is based on the IR thermometer optris CTlaser. The CTlaser-PTB needs to be traceable to the international temperature scale from 1990 (ITS-90). Thus, it is calibrated by the PTB (German national metrology institute) on a regular basis. ITS-90 is a very good approximation of thermodynamic temperature. It is based on 17 well-reproducible fixed values such as melting points of highly pure metals. Within the framework of ITS-90 the CTlaser-PTB is compared to national temperature standards from the PTB. This comparison within a closed chain of comparative measurements with a known uncertainty in measurement takes place on a regular basis.
Based on the CTlaser-PTB, Optris produces the CTlaser- DCI as a high-precision reference IR thermometer for its customers. The DCI units are produced with pre-selected components supporting high stability of measurement. In combination with a dedicated calibration at several calibration points the CTlaser-DCI achieves a higher accuracy than units from series production.
The optics of an IR thermometer is described by the distance-to-spot-ratio (D:S). Depending on the quality of the optics a certain amount of radiation is also received from sources outside the specified measurement spot. The maximum value here equals the radiation emitted by a hemispheric radiant source. The respective signal change in correlation with a resize of the radiation source is described by the Size-of-source effect (SSE).
As a result of this correlation all manufacturers of IR thermometers use accurately defined geometries for the calibration of their units; meaning depending on the aperture of the radiation source (A) a distance (a) between the IR thermometer and the reference source is defined. Thus, the value specified in datasheets and technical documentation as a measurement field is, in general, a certain defined percentage of this radiation maximum – values of 90 % or 95 % are common.