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Autonomous Data Collector
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The DCX-22 is an autonomous, battery powered instrument made of stainless steel designed to record water depth (pressure) and temperature over long periods. Two versions are offered:

The sensor, electronics and battery are housed in a sealed stainless steel tube, for submersible deployment. For data read-out the DCX-22 must be recovered from the measurement point. The O-ring sealed end cap is then removed to access the data port.
The DCX-22 works with an absolute pressure sensor. In shallow water depths where the influence of barometric pressure changes should be considered, it is recommended that a second data collector DCX-22 (Baro) is placed at the surface, to record the barometric pressure. The PC then calculates the differential pressure resp. the water depth by subtracting the two measured values

Pressure Ranges 0…5 to 0…100 mH2O
Total Error Band ±0,1 %FS @ -10…40 °C
Reading capacity 57'000 measuring points
Dimensions ø 22 mm
Special characteristics Also available in ECO design


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