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Optris BR 400

sku Product SKU:  OPT-BR-400

Knowing the exact value of the radiation temperature is essential for the calibration process. It can be measured by either using a contact thermometer (in combination with the determination of the emissivity) or a transfer standard infrared thermometer. This value can then be used to determine the device constant for an initial calibration of the infrared sensors. In order to conduct a post-calibration by customers or local calibration facilities, the calibration temperature should be near the temperatures which occur at the respective applications.

Optris makes use of a transfer standard radiation thermometer CTlaser-PTB (see figure) to measure the radiation temperature of a reference source. The CTlaser- PTB is based on the IR thermometer optris CTlaser. The CTlaser-PTB needs to be traceable to the international temperature scale from 1990 (ITS-90). Thus, it is calibrated by the PTB (German national metrology institute) on a regular basis. ITS-90 is a very good approximation of thermodynamic temperature. It is based on 17 well-reproducible fixed values such as melting points of highly pure metals. Within the framework of ITS-90 the CTlaser-PTB is compared to national temperature standards from the PTB. This comparison within a closed chain of comparative measurements with a known uncertainty in measurement takes place on a regular basis.

Based on the CTlaser-PTB, Optris produces the CTlaser- DCI as a high-precision reference IR thermometer for its customers. The DCI units are produced with pre-selected components supporting high stability of measurement. In combination with a dedicated calibration at several calibration points the CTlaser-DCI achieves a higher accuracy than units from series production.

The optics of an IR thermometer is described by the distance-to-spot-ratio (D:S). Depending on the quality of the optics a certain amount of radiation is also received from sources outside the specified measurement spot. The maximum value here equals the radiation emitted by a hemispheric radiant source. The respective signal change in correlation with a resize of the radiation source is described by the Size-of-source effect (SSE).

As a result of this correlation all manufacturers of IR thermometers use accurately defined geometries for the calibration of their units; meaning depending on the aperture of the radiation source (A) a distance (a) between the IR thermometer and the reference source is defined. Thus, the value specified in datasheets and technical documentation as a measurement field is, in general, a certain defined percentage of this radiation maximum – values of 90 % or 95 % are common.

ZAR 54080,0000


Optris CSmicro 2M

sku Product SKU:  OPT-CSmicro-2M

The pyrometer optris CSmicro 2M has been designed for a temperature range from 250°C to 1,600°C. Its special spectral range of 1.6 µm makes it the ideal IR pyrometer for temperature measurements of metals.

The small infrared measuring head is perfectly suited for installation in very limited spaces and allows for an especially cost-efficient mechanical process integration.

The CSmicro series can now be operated via the new IR mobile App (Android). The App enables to monitor and analyze infrared temperature measurements on a connected smartphone or tablet.

ZAR 0,0000


Optris CSmicro 3M

sku Product SKU:  OPT-Csmicro-3M

The pyrometer optris CSmicro 3M has been designed for a temperature range from 50°C to 600°C. Its special spectral range of 2.3 µm makes it the ideal IR pyrometer for temperature measurement of metallic surfaces starting from 50°C and it allows for measurements through glass.

The small infrared measuring head is optimally suited for installation in limited spaces and subsequently makes possible an especially cost-efficient mechanical process integration.

The CSmicro series can now be operated via the new IR mobile App (Android). The App enables to monitor and analyze infrared temperature measurements on a connected smartphone or tablet.

ZAR 0,0000

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